Meeting the General personally was a great honor. 

 I am thrilled to announce that the production phase for Wiesław Dąbrowski's new documentary Ambassador of Peace (Ambasador Pokoju)  is over. As an assistant director of this film I have to admit that getting into some of the  sites (like West Point Military Academy, for example) and shooting there was a challenge but also a privilege. Personally I feel truly honored and grateful for, before the crew arrived for the Washington shoot,  I got to spend a week with the General  -  Edward L. Rowny. Away from the hustle of this world and away from the cameras, while sharing some tea-times and lunches, we got to talk about what made the General going throughout the years, what and who  inspired Him in his Life and what the true meaning of Life, according to Him , is.   Some of his Truths immediately got rooted into my heart, but it's  the General's kindness and gentleness,  as well as His respect for others, that I will remember for a long time. 

Polish premiere of "Ambassador of Peace" (Ambasador Pokoju)